Channel: Lukas Graham
Category: Music
Tags: lucas grahamlyric videodanishlove someonewbrstick around lyrics7 yearslukas graham 3copenhagen recordspurple albumwarner bros. recordsdenmarklukas grahamstick aroundlukas graham love someone
Description: Stick Around by Lukas Graham, Official Lyric Video. '3 (The Purple Album) is out now, listen here: Tickets for 'The Purple Tour' are available now at Connect with Lukas Graham: Lyrics: If my memory serves me right I would tuck you in almost every night Saying sweet dreams and good night Right before I turned off all the lights But sweet dreams Can turn into nightmares When our heroes Are no longer out there I’m sorry to say that the smiles that I give you One day will be tears in your eyes I’m sorry to give you these memories Cause memories like this will one day make you cry But I’m gonna stick around I promise you that I will stick around for now Let these memories serve you right When I’m no longer right by your side Hope you by then learn to fly And take with you the good things in life Don’t let your big dreams Turn in to nightmares When our heroes Are no longer out there I’m sorry to say that the smiles that I give you One day will be tears in your eyes I’m sorry to give you these memories ‘Cause memories like this will one day make you cry But I’m gonna stick around I promise you that I will stick around for now And right now My light is shining though one day that too will go out But for now I’m gonna stick around I’m sorry to say that the smiles that I give you One day will be tears in your eyes I’m sorry to give you these memories Cause memories like this will one day make you cry But I’m gonna stick around I promise you that I will stick around for now Lyric Video by: Black Balloon #stickaround #lukasgraham #3thepurplealbum